I Love Melbourne graffiti
Eastside ARTifacts
A funny thing happens when you get your first digital camera, you figure you'll take more photos as you dont have to process them if they suck. Then you take too many photos and find yourself cutting down to only the ones you like. So its kind of the same as before except you can upload them... Enjoy(Featured paintings- Except, Askism and Pnoid.)
I love Melbourne graffiti goes to Italy!
The trickle on effect. I got this sent to me the other day of a young lady keepin it real in Milan! The word on the street is that there is some Japanese photo possibilities, not to mention New York and France. So Call to international men and women of graffiti, send your your international t-shirt photo!!!Apart from that the other peice of not so great news is that the wall in Bayswater that nearly all writers have painted at least once is becoming hot! What was a chilled legal has been upset by the continual thrashing of the factory fronts, sides and car parks. No good as that wall was like an icon for Melbourne graff..Till next time..