I Love Melbourne graffiti

Monday, August 21, 2006

After my break through T-shirt event with the director of the movie NEXT (which was pretty fresh by the way), I had a conversation with the same guy about his preference in Graff and that in relation to his movie.

At this point I should note that I embrace street art as a whole warts and all, but I do have a particular loyalty to graffiti art in the form of spraypaint and letter styles. With that in mind we discussed that the directors intention was to show the NEXT styles of graffiti/street art internationally in what ever form it took (brush, spraypaint paste-ups etc.).

I found myself challenged with the same old-same old of not being sure of the artists he chose and their departure from the traditional graffiti I know and love. It made me think am I being prude and narrow minded in saying graff is spraypaint and letters or am I just loyal.

I didn't have to strain myself in realising that I just feel that in the large scheme of things graffiti is young and has plenty of room to mature and grow in its traditional style and form. I do love and support any forms that spawn from this technique or its roots and I concluded that its like travel. I prefer to go to an exotic foreign location yet love exploring my own backyard in Australia just the same. Its still traveling. Or in the case of my dilemma its still graff in a different form.

I'd be interested in some feedback on this one. Any writers out there relate? Graff, Street-art, is it all the same? Let me know post a comment. Let me know if your not a writer also!

Back to the movie there was a particularly fresh bit on Delta from Holland. This guy is a king! Or at least I think so. Some nice graphic work either by him or in homage to him. Check him out, google him if necessary. Try Delta INC (INC is his crew)

Till next time...


Blogger SnailsOne said...

Hey there...I just wanted to respond...You wanted feedback...I think the evolution of graff IS street art...I think the roots are always gonna be graff...Writing has become so treacherous (here in NYC, USA esp. during election years)...There is such a diminished younger generation now because it is just not so appealing to the kids anymore...Not to say that I think graff is dead, but it is dying out in the old school form and street art has followed suit, esp. with groups of guerilla art students enamoured with the classic ideology of "getting up"...(Revs and Cost in the early 90's are two examples of the high cost of street art with their wheat pastings and such, paying fines getting busted by the FBI...) There won't be too many more people as hardcore as Twist was in his heyday who make it to the galleries...What I feel has fueled the lowbrow view of graff to the public has been gallery culture, the ephermeral "trendiness", and this awful mainstream hiphop...I am excited by new forms of art, but I am a diehard painter, so times change, things change...Someone once told me the key to life was "one thing"...stick with "one thing"...I didn't know what that meant until just now...

6:16 pm  

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